Saturday was the 3D/4D ultrasound. Normally, at the time of the u/s she’s kicking up a storm, but of course the one time you want her too, she was sleeping! The tech was nice enough to work extra hard and give us more prints, but her face is hugging the placenta, so the pictures weren’t all they could be. The technician asked me to lay on my side, facing away from the monitor, but it didn't help get a better view. At least I got to watch Don and mom view the monitor.... Still, it’ll be fun to see what she “really looks like” at birth! Plus, she's no longer breech! Don & mom were pretty excited.
My favorite face shot: Pouting already!
My favorite anatomy shot: She’s got Daddy’s big feet! He’s so excited because he said he saw her wiggle her toes… something he does constantly…lol…. behind that, you can see her fist.
Sunday was the first baby shower (11 guests) and I have to tell you, Babies R Us did not update the registry except for ONE small item and several of my guests told me they DID give the clerk my registry info at check out. That was pretty frustrating, but LUCKILY we didn’t get a single repeat gift and nothing we’d need to exchange. We feel very blessed! We happened to get the Travel System, Pack n’ Play & swing, bouncy seat, bath tub, books, and diapers – what a relief! We hadn't picked out a bouncy seat, but Kari was so funny explaining it. She said, "I know you haven't registered for it, but so many of my friends couldn't live without theirs!" Then she went on to explain E-V-E-R-Y feature.... she'll be a doting aunt. :)
Another precious moment: Walter drew me a very detailed picture full of trucks. He spoke so long about it, I couldn't attempt to remember it all.... though there was mention of trucks that shoot at you, so he recommended a truck I should buy that will protect me... Anyway, while he's talking, he picked his nose and then stuck it in his mouth. Ewww! Lucky me!! He's such a 4 year old. lol
I don’t get to see my younger sisters often (not since Feb) so it was great to see first-hand how excited they are to become aunts. :) Some (evil) coworkers teased me horribly about having “only” 11 guests but I was so pleased that I got to spend time with everyone. It was a lot of fun - and after that weekend, I'm exhausted!