Monday, August 24, 2009

Handy Dandy Tips: Baby

*Instead of buying an expensive nursing cover, go to your local craft store! Buy clips and ribbon to create a behind-the-neck clip that can turn any baby blanket into a nursing cover.[]=tags&includes[]=title
A friend made her own for $1.98 with supplies from Joann Fabrics.

*Before registering, check out Baby Bargains 8th edition. Its a superb Consumers Report style book outlining brands, stores, must haves, and wastes of money for all things baby. We've gotten so many great tips from this book!

*Check out the website for information on carseats and safety ratings.

*Our new favorite: Once Upon a Child second-hand retail shops. They are a chain and hold high standards. All items are checked for recall before they are accepted/sold. We bought a brand new sleeper for our January bean for $3.50. Parents can also sell their gently used goods!

~I'll add more as I come across them :)


Preggo brain strikes again!

I meant to update - On August 11th, I felt the first movement of our Wee One! 17w,1d and I felt tiny bubbles/flutters everyone talks about. Maybe its because of my extra layer of fat, but I only seem to feel it at night (even now at 19w1d). I promptly told Don that since this baby already has his/her days & nights mixed up, he'll be on midnight bottle duty.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our TTC Story

My story started 11 years ago when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at 19. Luckily, I only had surgery to remove a 15 lb. tumor - but I lost one ovary. Because of the risk of reaccurant cysts, I was put on BCP immediately, so I never knew if I was ovulating. We got married in '07 and I went of BCP 4 months after the wedding.

Though we TTC right away, I was charting and realized nearly 5 months passed before my period was "normal" again. At 7 months of trying, I talked to my OB who gave me a Rx for Clomid to start the next cycle. A few days later, I got a BFP. That pregnancy ended in a m/c at 13+w.

I had to have a D&C because my body was not rejecting the fetus. It literally took 78 days before the bleeding stopped. I tried pills to help remove the tissue, but I refused another D&C so I just had to deal with it. I was able to TTC again, 108 days after the D&C.

I had spotting while on BCP and it continued afterward, getting worse and worse, especially after the D&C. My doc was never concerned, so I did research of my own and tried self-medicating with B6 pills (I had side-effects). I got my next BFP only 3 months after we TTC again, but it ended at only 4w.

My doctor tested my ANA (auto-immune), Progesterone, and PTT levels (blood clot). I had an elevated ANA (Rheumatoid) and he put me on Baby Aspirin (81 mg) daily. He claimed the other levels were "normal".

I was fed up and refused to accept my spotting was for "no reason" so I bought progesterone cream from an Internet site. After two months of using that, baby aspirin, preseed (sperm-friendly lube), OPKs, and charting, I was pregnant again. This time, even with the progesterone I was spotting (red/pink) for nearly two weeks after the BFP.

My doctor wrote me a Rx for vaginal progesterone and it stopped immediately. I was taking 200 mg suppositories 2x a day till week 13.

The baby is doing well, dispite loosing the twin. My doctor still takes credit for the progesterone. "If I wouldn't have put you on it, that baby might not have been here right now."

Oh... but my self-medicating with the pro. cream didn't do anything, right? Sheesh!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Can we please celebrate the fact that at 17w4d I can still fit into ONE pair of my normal dress pants!!!

Sure, they were falling off before, but I choose not to dwell on the fine details.

Late Update

August 7th, 2009 Appointment ~ 16w5d

It took a minute to find the heartbeat but it was there and healthy! Hooray!!

The BIG ultrasound is September 8th! (Unless my pregnancy brain is deceiving me...I better double check.)

We are so excited to see what this little one is going to be! Let the shopping begin!

I've been on Team Blue since the beginning, but lately I've had serious doubts. Maybe its because we have a girls name already, but a girl is what I'm starting to expect. Either way, I can't wait! I would love either a girl or boy so it doesn't matter much to me. :)