Monday, November 16, 2009

3D Ultrasound and Shower Weekend!

Saturday, November 7th & Sunday, November 8th, 2009
We had a busy weekend!
Saturday was the 3D/4D ultrasound. Normally, at the time of the u/s she’s kicking up a storm, but of course the one time you want her too, she was sleeping! The tech was nice enough to work extra hard and give us more prints, but her face is hugging the placenta, so the pictures weren’t all they could be. The technician asked me to lay on my side, facing away from the monitor, but it didn't help get a better view. At least I got to watch Don and mom view the monitor.... Still, it’ll be fun to see what she “really looks like” at birth! Plus, she's no longer breech! Don & mom were pretty excited.

My favorite face shot: Pouting already!

My favorite anatomy shot: She’s got Daddy’s big feet! He’s so excited because he said he saw her wiggle her toes… something he does constantly…lol…. behind that, you can see her fist.

Sunday was the first baby shower (11 guests) and I have to tell you, Babies R Us did not update the registry except for ONE small item and several of my guests told me they DID give the clerk my registry info at check out. That was pretty frustrating, but LUCKILY we didn’t get a single repeat gift and nothing we’d need to exchange. We feel very blessed! We happened to get the Travel System, Pack n’ Play & swing, bouncy seat, bath tub, books, and diapers – what a relief! We hadn't picked out a bouncy seat, but Kari was so funny explaining it. She said, "I know you haven't registered for it, but so many of my friends couldn't live without theirs!" Then she went on to explain E-V-E-R-Y feature.... she'll be a doting aunt. :)

Another precious moment: Walter drew me a very detailed picture full of trucks. He spoke so long about it, I couldn't attempt to remember it all.... though there was mention of trucks that shoot at you, so he recommended a truck I should buy that will protect me... Anyway, while he's talking, he picked his nose and then stuck it in his mouth. Ewww! Lucky me!! He's such a 4 year old. lol

I don’t get to see my younger sisters often (not since Feb) so it was great to see first-hand how excited they are to become aunts. :) Some (evil) coworkers teased me horribly about having “only” 11 guests but I was so pleased that I got to spend time with everyone. It was a lot of fun - and after that weekend, I'm exhausted!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tiny Dancer!

Baby Girl,

You've been kicking up a storm lately! Some days I can sit and watch my belly move as if it isn't even connected to my body!

Last night, while we were trying to go to sleep, you started kicking like crazy. Daddy put his hand on my tummy and you kicked for so long, he fell asleep! At least 30 minutes later, I fell asleep, but only because you had just started to slow down. Are you trying to force your way out? ;-)

Love you!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Baby Updatin'

I haven't updated lately, but we just had our last doctor's appointment on Friday, 10/9/09.

We heard the heartbeat once again (around 150) and doc told me everything on my end looks good. Since she was breech, the last time they checked, we'll have another ultrasound around 7.5 - 8 months.
We're considering a 3D ultrasound, but those things are expensive!
I'll post the last 2D ultrasounds if I ever remember....

Oh, and did you notice? The countdown has gotten into the double-digits!
As of 10/10/09 we have 99 days left until the due date! Wowsa!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


9/8/09 ~ 21w2d ~ ITS A GIRL!!!
The ultrasound was long and intense-in a good way! Her heartbeat was 146 and she weighs just under 1lb. No doubt its a girl! One view looks like she was sitting right on the camera! It was really amazing to see her fully formed hand... and she has Daddy's feet! Her spine ... femur, tibia... so neat!

The doctor said we're on track and everything is normal (yay for me not gaining in a month!) She was on a weird angle (wrapped in a C-shape around my belly button) and breech, so we'll repeat the ultrasound at 7 months to get more views.

We're so excited!

9/4/09 ~ 20w5d ~ Don felt the baby kick for the first time! It was quite a THUD if I say so myself. You should have seen his eyes bug out! The movement has really picked up since week 20 - more and more everyday! :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Kinda Cool, Right?

I just think its kinda cool.

As of Tuesday, September 1st, we've been married
2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Handy Dandy Tips: Baby

*Instead of buying an expensive nursing cover, go to your local craft store! Buy clips and ribbon to create a behind-the-neck clip that can turn any baby blanket into a nursing cover.[]=tags&includes[]=title
A friend made her own for $1.98 with supplies from Joann Fabrics.

*Before registering, check out Baby Bargains 8th edition. Its a superb Consumers Report style book outlining brands, stores, must haves, and wastes of money for all things baby. We've gotten so many great tips from this book!

*Check out the website for information on carseats and safety ratings.

*Our new favorite: Once Upon a Child second-hand retail shops. They are a chain and hold high standards. All items are checked for recall before they are accepted/sold. We bought a brand new sleeper for our January bean for $3.50. Parents can also sell their gently used goods!

~I'll add more as I come across them :)


Preggo brain strikes again!

I meant to update - On August 11th, I felt the first movement of our Wee One! 17w,1d and I felt tiny bubbles/flutters everyone talks about. Maybe its because of my extra layer of fat, but I only seem to feel it at night (even now at 19w1d). I promptly told Don that since this baby already has his/her days & nights mixed up, he'll be on midnight bottle duty.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our TTC Story

My story started 11 years ago when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at 19. Luckily, I only had surgery to remove a 15 lb. tumor - but I lost one ovary. Because of the risk of reaccurant cysts, I was put on BCP immediately, so I never knew if I was ovulating. We got married in '07 and I went of BCP 4 months after the wedding.

Though we TTC right away, I was charting and realized nearly 5 months passed before my period was "normal" again. At 7 months of trying, I talked to my OB who gave me a Rx for Clomid to start the next cycle. A few days later, I got a BFP. That pregnancy ended in a m/c at 13+w.

I had to have a D&C because my body was not rejecting the fetus. It literally took 78 days before the bleeding stopped. I tried pills to help remove the tissue, but I refused another D&C so I just had to deal with it. I was able to TTC again, 108 days after the D&C.

I had spotting while on BCP and it continued afterward, getting worse and worse, especially after the D&C. My doc was never concerned, so I did research of my own and tried self-medicating with B6 pills (I had side-effects). I got my next BFP only 3 months after we TTC again, but it ended at only 4w.

My doctor tested my ANA (auto-immune), Progesterone, and PTT levels (blood clot). I had an elevated ANA (Rheumatoid) and he put me on Baby Aspirin (81 mg) daily. He claimed the other levels were "normal".

I was fed up and refused to accept my spotting was for "no reason" so I bought progesterone cream from an Internet site. After two months of using that, baby aspirin, preseed (sperm-friendly lube), OPKs, and charting, I was pregnant again. This time, even with the progesterone I was spotting (red/pink) for nearly two weeks after the BFP.

My doctor wrote me a Rx for vaginal progesterone and it stopped immediately. I was taking 200 mg suppositories 2x a day till week 13.

The baby is doing well, dispite loosing the twin. My doctor still takes credit for the progesterone. "If I wouldn't have put you on it, that baby might not have been here right now."

Oh... but my self-medicating with the pro. cream didn't do anything, right? Sheesh!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Can we please celebrate the fact that at 17w4d I can still fit into ONE pair of my normal dress pants!!!

Sure, they were falling off before, but I choose not to dwell on the fine details.

Late Update

August 7th, 2009 Appointment ~ 16w5d

It took a minute to find the heartbeat but it was there and healthy! Hooray!!

The BIG ultrasound is September 8th! (Unless my pregnancy brain is deceiving me...I better double check.)

We are so excited to see what this little one is going to be! Let the shopping begin!

I've been on Team Blue since the beginning, but lately I've had serious doubts. Maybe its because we have a girls name already, but a girl is what I'm starting to expect. Either way, I can't wait! I would love either a girl or boy so it doesn't matter much to me. :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Telling my Side

Since mom only comes over thru a bribe, I pulled out a bunch of clothes I can no longer use and told her to come over and take whatever she wanted. Just under the first item, I hide a bright green onesie that said, “Grandma Loves Me”. Not long after she got there, I placed the bag in front of her and she picked up that first item—a pair of pants. She held them up, then threw them back on top of the onesie! She sat down with a thud on the couch and started to complain about work…. I was stunned for a second but then forced the issue. I made her stand up to see the matching jacket. Just when she went to throw it back onto the pile again, she glanced down and saw the onesie. She looked and said, “My Grandma what? What’s that for?” Just then she looked at me and I was just smiling.

She choked out another “What?... You’re…?” and then she started sobbing so hard she almost fell over. Luckily, she made it back to the couch but was balling uncontrollably into the dress jacket I gave her. I pulled it away, saying, “NO… You’ll ruin the jacket!” and I ran to give her a roll of toilet paper.

She continued to periodically cry as we continued to talk.

After things calmed down a bit, I text Jimmy a pic of the u/s with the phrase, “Uncle Jim, see you in January 2010”. He text “Congratulations” almost immediately so I called him. He seemed pretty excited—more so when he realized I “got mom off [his] back for a few years.” haha

This meant it was time to tell Grandma. We hatched a plan that I would call and stall her until mom showed up unexpectedly. We were discussing a TV show (I know Ed from Bachelorette) when mom walked in and made sure I heard her say “hi ma” to Grandma. At that point, Gramma tried putting me on the phone with mom! I knew I had to hurry so I just blurted, “Grandma. I’m pregnant.” [pause] “WHAT!?!?!?! Oh my G-d!” …over and over again. The rest was a blur since I’m not sure if she was talking to me or mom… but I definitely heard, “Well, thank God I’m lying down!”

I hurried to email everyone else. Not long after, Gramma called back to tell me how excited Uncle Dennis was. Then she begged me to let her tell Aunt Angie. She said, “I told Sadie [the cat] but that’s not enough!” So, of course I told her she could. Her reply? “Good. Now I’ve got to go so I can call her!” Click.

Tami saw her text when she got home. She called, crying. She said, “I was screaming until I heard the phone ring and I started to cry!” She’s too funny. Almost immediately she said, “Don’t worry. I’ll help your mom with the shower.”

Finally, by 9:30pm it was time to relax. In the morning, everyone (but Adam) emailed their congratulations.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Somebody else finally knows!

The (postponed) date for my MIL's birthday finally came, so DH & I presented her with a necklace I made. It had a "Grandma" charm with 5 birthstones (she has 4 grandkids + our little one)

Just when she opened it, my DH said, "We have ALL FIVE stones on there."

She said "how pretty!" and my FIL rushed to help her put it on. We just sat there.... I was hitting my husbands leg under the table.... he finally said, "Did you hear what I said? ALL FIVE stones."

They both gave us blank stares for about 20 seconds before my MIL said, "What? You mean YOU?!"

It was cute

Later, we got to tell my BIL & SIL. My SIL is very excited - the only niece/nephew they have (other side of the family) are teenagers. It'll be nice because their kids are young too so they'll be close in age to our LO.

It was such a relief to finally be able to tell! I'm *hoping* to bribe my mother into coming over this week so I can tell her, then I'll tell my boss sometime the second week of Aug (after 1 more doppler check).

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Pregnancy Tickers from

At 14w3d I've experienced an improvement in morning sickness but brushing my teeth is still hell!

Cravings include:
Sour (lemons, green apples)
Peach Jell-O
Tacos--always tacos.
Potatoes/French Fries --I've been eating a baked potato with salsa every night for a snack--for 2 weeks!
Fried Chicken (on salads and in sandwiches)
Today's craving: Cottage Cheese.. with peaches! YUM

I've decided this baby will have dark hair, dark blue eyes, and a serious penchant for fruit and starch.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

12w1d appointment: 7/6/09

The appointment went well!

I *thought* it would be more intense, but all I had to do was pee in a cup, get weighed (yuck) and see the doc for a doppler check.

I've gained a total of 6 lbs., good!, but feels like so much more

Doc found the heartbeat on the doppler... and says I'm in the "safe zone" now! Yay, Baby Bean!

Extra good news: We found an infant car seat at Meijer for $23.99!!!!


WOO HOO! If this bean is a girl, her name will be Genevieve! Now for a middle name (Noelle?) and a boy name. FUN!

I'm officially in the 2nd trimester at 13w3d! Yippee!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Dry Heaves. Thank Goodness

No. Really. I'm serious.

~Just when I begin to worry... "is baby still okay?" I get the dry heaves and everything is okay again.

~I was reading a post by a teenage mother-to-be on a message board I frequent: "Is it normal to have weird cravings at this stage? Yesterday I ate a pickle wrapped in cheese!" All I could think is, "Oh, now THAT sounds good! Yum-yum!"

~I'm 11w1d today and I've been using a hair tie to secure my pants for at least 8 weeks now. (use a thin hair tie, thread thru your button hole then use the loop to grab the button. An instant 1/2" - 1" increase of belly breathing room!)

~Did I mention I cried over pancakes? Well, I nearly cried over grilled cheese too.
.... Boy, I could go for one of those right now!

~My husband does't want me to buy a black onesie with a "Grandma" tattoo on the front. (Think of the old school "Mom" with a heart tattoos) I think my mom would love one! He's such a stickler for babies = cute. Ha! Our baby = Mom is Badass!

~I'm stuck at work listening to my insane coworkers love of K-100 (Country station). The song is something like "God is great, beer is good, people are crazy."
While I can't dispute the logic, it makes me think, "If this song plays one more time, I'LL SHOW THEM CRAZY!!!!"

Peace out. Preggo brain kicked in and I feel like its nap time once again.

Friday, June 5, 2009

1st Ultrasound - The Results

It went wonderfully!

Of course, I was terrified, but it didn't take long before the tech found our healthy baby and let us hear the heartbeat! Baby measured exactly 7w,3d and had a healthy heartbeat of 152!

We were a bit suspicious at the time because she switched to a tummy u/s... as she said, "To be sure." Sure of what, we didn't know.

Later, while I was waiting for the exam, the doctor walked in and said, "Well, you know it was a twin pregnancy, but the other already stopped developing." HUH!!?! He went on to explain that the second sac was empty, like a blighted ovum. It will disappear as baby #1 continues to develop.

In retrospect, we both suspected something might be wrong, but when I heard that beautiful heartbeat it all washed away. At one point during the transvaginal u/s it looked like there may be an empty sac (after my last miscarriage, we're very aware of what that looks like) but I told myself it was probably just a 'bad view' of the same sac, since the baby was less than 1/2" at that point. When she did the tummy u/s, we could see the empty sac much clearer but still, she didn't say anything at the time. Only, "congratulations" for our baby.

Its sad to think we've lost a twin, but I choose to believe our baby has a guardian angel. One day, that is what we'll tell him/her.

Our Angel, Samuel 4/30/08 ~ 7/17/08

Gone too Soon, Our Angel Zipporah 1/2009

Our Baby's Twin Angel, Malachi 4/14/09 - 6/3/2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

1st U/S

My first ultrasound is today. I am 7w, 3d.

I'm petrified.

I thank thee for the blessed babe inside my womb. Let him be growning healthy and strong so that we may hear good news at the doctors today, Lord. Please give me strength to get thru this day no matter what may come.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Feeling Pretty Good...

Today I'm 6w, 5d

Nausea got more frequent and intense this week
My dreams are super-intense
No real cravings, but lots of food aversions! I sent hubby out for some yummy bread... an hour after he brought it home, I wanted to puke just looking at it. Luckily, the mint chocolate chip icecream remains YUMMY to my preggo brain.
I woke up with the most intense numbing/burning in my leg (Meralgia Paresthetica)

The big question is, how did I manage to stay awake watching the Scripps National Spelling Bee, but I feel asleep immediately afterward?

Monday, May 18, 2009


I'll try and keep this post updated with baby news!

#1 @ 14 dpo = 322
#2 @ 16 dpo = 492 (only 40.5 hours after #1)
#3 @ 21 dpo = 3488!!!! (The nurse said, "Hey, maybe you have two in there!")

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I'm pregnant!

I got my first + HPT on Friday, May 8th, which means we're due January 17, 2010.

My first beta on Monday, May 11th was 322 and a repeat was done today (48 hours).

Wish me luck! I'm praying so hard that this baby sticks after our two previous losses.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou... Brain

In light of Jimmy’s recent attack of name calling and criticism, he has succeeded in one thing: Forcing me to spend far too many hours over-analyzing my faults and weaknesses (or as Jimmy perceives them anyway).

I’m already an overly analytical person, particularly for my age. It started as an insecure child, cultivated in my teens by my hyper-critical parents, and now a daily chore I put upon myself as a 30-year-old adult. It’s a detriment and blessing at the same time. Being conscious of my short-comings has enabled me to face them directly, but in some cases, develop that proverbial “protective shell” around myself and my heart.

Jimmy was keen to point out that I’m “monstrous, judgmental, uncaring, unforgiving, hateful, resentful, immature, etc.” While I realize the irony of someone else calling me “judgmental” in particular, my main focus in this post is to address my own thoughts. I can’t speak for Jimmy’s heart or train of thought, only my own.

My uncle recently pointed out that I’m very self-deprecating when he was complimenting me—and I was replying with an “its nothing” sort of response. I asked him, “Isn’t anything else just bragging?” He seemed shocked to have to explain that accepting a compliment, or saying something positive about myself is not only OK but is not bragging, by any stretch. (I was just thrilled that my usually stern uncle was complimenting me! He says I’ve “always been a good kid.” *huge grin*)

What I’ve come to realize is that although I’m an optimistic person, I tend to speak more of “negative” things. It’s more fun to gossip, than to “brag” about ones’ work achievements, for example. I think this is a large part of my brother’s ill-formed judgments of me. Do others view me this way? Though I have a positive outlook, I do tend to vent about bad drivers, taxes, and the like. At times, I do speak ill of people and judge them. I realize that’s a major sin, and I’m guilty of it. I definitely have times of weakness and temptation… no doubt!

Most times when I speak about someone, I do find something positive to say. I’m the person who will compliment your shoes even if I don’t really like them myself. I always trust first, and risk hurt later. I’m not sure exactly where my positive self-esteem comes from, but I’m blessed enough to have it and I give soul credit to God. Nothing in this physical world has given me boundless praise—but I feel a greater love than I can describe. I’m confident in my relationship with the Lord, and that’s fulfilled my heart beyond human bounds. I pray that my atheist brother, and others, can some day find this peace.

Sure, I’m flawed, but I’m as God made me so no man may judge. My life experiences and new-found faith has brought me down a particular path, one that has not disappointed me. My only goal in this life is to become a better person each day and do kindness onto others. Sometimes I meet that goal, sometimes I fail. The day I succumbed to my brothers’ hateful words and responded in turn, I failed. When I tried to end it simply, he responded with further dissent, and I exploded. I was so angry with myself for going down to that level and validating his criticism of me. Of course, it only fueled his fire—of which I did not read and did not respond.

This experience has hurt me deeply, no doubt. However, I don’t hold ill-feelings toward him because I believe him to be misguided and “lost” to some extent. His lack of faith is, I believe, part of his hateful diatribe. Persons of certain spiritual awareness do not treat others this way—part of why I’m so disappointed that I retaliated at one point. Count retaliation and defensiveness as two of my weaknesses.

The core of my brother’s attack was unfortunately, our mother. In our 29 and 30 years, time with mom has been difficult for us both. She’s been in relationships that came before her children, some of which were abusive. To this day, I’m scared and anxious for the choices she makes in the relationship department. Learning that she’s dating her ex-husband who previously cheated on their marriage, and that of his other two wives, hurt me. She suspected that it would, and hid the relationship for several months from my brother and I. The lying hurt more because I found out on my own what had been going on under my nose. I took a few days to process what I learned and then came to a decision:
Newly married, I wanted to focus on my own relationship, not mom’s. I hadn’t seen Bob in several years and while I admit that his name brings back nothing but bad memories, I had to accept that they’re both adults and can do as they please. Besides, mom has always returned to past loves, this wasn’t unexpected. My choice was made to give her space to do as she pleases. Should “drama” take place again, I’ve got to let her deal with her own troubles. No more calling me in the middle of the night, no more sharing details that no daughter should know. I am happily creating boundaries for the first time in my life.

As I mentioned before, her choice to lie is what hurt me. We had been spending so much time together (every weekend, much to my husband’s dismay ;)) and then in stopped. My husband and I joked that “your mom must be dating again.” Sure enough… she was. I was secretly relieved that I was now given more “freedom” to be a newlywed. I would never say that to mom, but I was certainly thinking it!

Over the next few weeks, mom told me “we broke up and want nothing to do with each other”. I had my doubts, but...
Though the relationship was over; mom was still silent. No phone calls, no text. When I called or text, it would take hours to get a response. If we invited her out, the answer was no. So, doubts about her relationship status plagued me.

When she brought her taxes over for my husband to do, she asked me if we would do Nick’s (Bob’s adult son) as well. Admittedly, my emotions boiled over. I instantly started crying… reminding her that the last thing she told me is that they broke up. I remember wailing, “Why do you keep lying to me?!?”

She looked regretful and told me “You have no reason to trust me. And you shouldn’t.”

Up until this week, my brother had agreed whole-heartedly with me. He called our mother “insane” for being with Bob. I explained that I was just “staying out of it.”
Then came his attack. Unfortunately, he insulted not just me, but our mother, while simultaneously telling me I treat her like crap. I won’t repeat what he said...

I apologize, this is becoming more of a vent session, than an exploration of my thoughts on our recent facebook exchange.

On point once again:
While my brother might repeat that I’m “running” from my problems, I’m choosing to no longer speak with my brother on many topics unless and until I see that I can trust him once more. He must come to his own conclusions and he doesn’t need me to lead him. Nor, do I need him. I have one leader and His guidance has been enough for me so far. I certainly make mistakes, but I continue to have high-hopes and expectations for myself and how I choose to live life.

I see no other way and I’m proud of most of the decisions I’ve made so far.

Now on to the next 30 years… :)

Happy Mother’s Day to all—I’ll be enjoying breakfast and a matinee with mine :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Samuel, 4/30/08 ~ 7/17/08

Thinking of my miscarriage, I wanted to chronicle some of the things I've written in honor of our angel.

January 21, 2009
This week, we thought we'd be welcoming you into the world. Instead, we sit here with empty arms, fulfilled hearts and open minds.
I'll always yearn to know you; to love you in person. Instead, I must be content to love you from afar and meet you in heaven. Our love for you will only grow stronger with each passing moment, and our happiest day will be meeting you in heaven.
In my heart, I believe you're a boy, but in my mind I know you're simply and purely one of God's most beautiful angels.

Mommy & Daddy will love and cherish you forever. Our sweet, sweet baby, we love you more than words can say.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sorry moms, but Mother's Day sucks

I’m not looking forward to Mother’s Day this year.

Last year, I remember going to Hidden Lake on Saturday to celebrate with mom. It was beautiful, sunny. The next day, Mother’s Day, I took a home pregnancy test and discovered I was finally pregnant after 5 months of trying! The next day that line was much darker and soon after all the symptoms kicked in. I was so happy to feel so gross!

Three days after our 1st anniversary in June, I found out we were loosing the baby. My body didn’t reject it (no wonder) so after 4 more weeks, I finally elected to have a D&C. Two weeks after that, my sister-in-law announced she was pregnant with #4. It was my husband’s birthday and my body still hadn’t healed when I heard the news. It took a total of 78 days to stop bleeding, 104 before I had a natural period and could start trying to conceive again. It hurts to know we're the same age - she's on #4 and I'm 0 for 2.

In January, the month I would have been due, I had another loss; a chemical pregnancy.

Mother’s Day is currently ruined for me. We’re the only couple without a child in both sides of the family… I don’t want to celebrate with others… I just want to mourn our loss and try to get out of bed and function again the next day.

Monday, April 20, 2009

60th Birthday .... ideas???

I need some seriously great ideas for my mother's 60th birthday in July.

I've got to do it up big.... she'll be done with chemo by then.... any ideas??

I need help!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Struggles of Faith

Let me say that I came into Christianity on my own—after my own hardships with abuse, illness, poverty, and loss. My brother and I went thru a difficult childhood with divorce/abuse/step-parents/half-siblings/etc., and no spiritual path to lead us. He became atheist—I became Christian. We took two different perspectives on life, obviously.

What I found was that God comes to you in crisis. The hard part may be that it’s not “obvious” that He’s there with you. You have terrible hardships that make it hard to see the “light at the end of the tunnel” but there is one—do not fear. When it’s hard to see God, look at your beautiful children and the husband you love. Look at the beauty of nature and your beloved pets. I know it can be incredibly difficult—but He will reward you if you continue to seek Him thru this struggle. When I miscarried, I honestly felt hatred and abandonment from the Lord. It took a long time, but I eventually came back and realized that our loss actually brought me to a stronger faith. It took a lot of work and desire on my part—but it happened and while I still grieve for our baby, I trust the Lord will provide for me again. He will provide for anyone who struggles—but only if you continue to believe and trust in Him.

Recently, my uncle was diagnosed with aggressive cancer and in his weakened state, insisted on going to church on Sunday. My mother (I suspect she’s atheist but she claims to be “spiritual”) said to me, “Why would he do that? He’s sick!”
My reply, “Don’t you see—God is calling to him. That’s why these things happen.”
It may seem harsh to some, but my view is that when bad things happen, that’s the time to become closer to the Lord. That’s the real test of faith—to trust and love thru hardship.

A struggle of ours has been my fertility/health issues and my husband’s job loss (out of work since Aug ’07) and it can be really difficult to have so much pressure on my shoulders. If something happens to me, we’ll have zero income and we’re in the state with the highest unemployment rate—hope is in short supply. At times, I feel lower than low and angry and how my life has turned out. I have to force myself to find something positive to focus on, but it’s worked for me. I need to keep going for our family’s sake—I have no choice! The thing is; God gave us Free Will as a test. Our choices and decisions bring us to Him or away from Him. For me, I chose to come to Him and my life, despite the hardship, has become the best it’s ever been. I hope everyone who struggles with faith can come to the same conclusion one day… but give yourself time. No one ever said life was easy and you’re seeing that first hand.

God bless you and yours. I’ll be thinking and praying for you.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Office--my version

What do you do with a completely annoying friend? Well, partly annoying—partly high maintenance.

The high maintenance refers to her attitude and constant need of reassurance. I work with the lady—and I love her—but sometimes it’s too much for my impatient mind to take.

An example from today’s surge of bitchiness:
Lenny emailed the boss and cc’d several others (including Ms. Attitude). Once boss replied to all, Ms. Attitude complained to me that “I have to get back in boss’ favor. Lenny is trying to push me out and make me look bad.”

Why, I asked?

“You don’t understand! Lenny only emailed the boss to piss me off!”
Um, okay. So I found myself assuring her that even if the boss likes Lenny, that doesn’t mean the boss can’t like her too. Are we in Jr. High School again?

My favorite email:
“Lenny and Rebecca are talking about me behind my back.”
Uh…Ms. Attitude, what do you think you’re doing right now?

Six hours into our 8 hour work day and I have received 32 emails from Ms. Attitude complaining of one injustice or another.
I feel obligated to mention that I’m 30 years old and Ms. Attitude is 48.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Inspiring is their Middle Name

Anyone who is a fan of Extreme Home Makeover may remember a November episode featuring a Toledo, Ohio family. The father is a firefighter and their family has adopted a home full of boys—some from Haiti, some from Toledo—in addition to their own.

Well, this already amazing family is paying it forward.

A neighbor of theirs is now struggling with their own family health concerns. One parent is no longer able to work as they are in dialysis, waiting for a kidney transplant. The other parent is struggling with work, managing family appointments, etc., all with only one car.

Wonderful news! The EHM family has pledged dinner to their neighbors twice per week as well as finding them a car! Another firefighter had a used vehicle he was happy to donate to this well deserving family. They were happy to say that with the community gathering to help them in their time of need, they pledged to “pay it forward” for the rest of their lives.

We can all learn a lesson from this beautiful, caring family.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Road to Crazy Town is Free and Clear

Driving down Telegraph toward work this morning, I came across yet another disgruntled middle aged wench. I was driving along at the correct speed and began getting closer to a slow moving beast just ahead of me. I took off the cruise control and glided up behind the dinosaur moving 5 miles under the posted speed limit. I, surprisingly conscientious for so early a morn, did not freak out with my typical road rage, but instead calmly thought “Well, I’ll be able to pass soon enough and I’m not running late anyway.” I did not tailgate by any means but (I admit, atypically) stayed a respectable distance back from the said dinosaur.

Then came the middle finger salute. This person actually stuck their arm outside a car window on a 30° day to flip me off. That is when I realized their entire back window and most of both side windows were covered in a thick layer of snow. How did (they) even see me!?! Just as I was wondering if someone in front of them was on the receiving end of their salute, their brake lights illuminated. The psycho hit their brakes! After a well deserved “What the fuck?!” I very much realized they were pi$$ed at ME! Oh…. NOW the tailgating begins…. WHY? Because the fucker hit their brakes! Now that I was actually tailgating (by their own actions) I got another “salute” from outside their driver window. (With so much snow on their back window, (they) couldn’t even “salute” me from inside their car…I’d have never seen it!

Now, I’m not confused at their actions, but pi$$ed. I slowed down to put more distance between our cars… and (they) hit the brakes again. So, I laid on my horn. What the hell are they doing!? After the brake lights went back off, (they) continued to travel even slower—now 45 mph in a 55 mph zone. Finally, I had a chance to pass…. and give my own salute! What did I see from the side of my car? An embittered middle-aged woman with hair and glasses reminiscent of 1984, along with the third appearance of her middle digit.

To Note: If you are a diving psychotic, please continue to dress appropriately so the rest of us can see you coming from a respectable distance. Also, please be considerate enough to clear snow from your car so you can salute people appropriately without risking frostbite on your precious middle digit.

Welcome to Chronicles of Neurotic-A

Allow me to explain:

Chronicles of Neurotic-A
chron·i·cle (krŏn'ĭ-kal)

1. An extended account in prose or verse of historical events, sometimes including legendary material, presented in chronological order and without authorial interpretation or comment.

2. A detailed narrative record or report.
3. Chronicles (used with a sing. verb) Abbr. Chr. or
chron·i·cling , chron·i·cles To in or in the form of a historical record.

neu-rot-ic (noo-rot-ik)
1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of neurosis.
2. a neurotic person.

-A (Plainly, I'm an extremely Type-A person)
Since researchers started studying Type A personality over 50 years ago, it’s become a household term. Most people now know that Type A personality characteristics have something to do with being competitive and work-obsessed, and can bring an increased risk of health problems, but it’s not always understood exactly what traits constitute “Type A Behavior”, or exactly how these traits impact health and wellbeing.

So, that's it. I'll be displaying my complete and total neurotic ramblings very soon. To be continued!